sábado, 4 de junio de 2011



Moodle is a manager that creates online courses which would be a virtual classroom. Use of this deck will change if used in support of classroom teaching, which is the area in which I move. In this case, we can carry out educational activities in the classroom that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.
For example, the presentation of Internet resources in a systematic way. This is one of the advantages of Moodle: can present the material in units (subjects, moodleliana terminology) ordered and ready for consultation with students. Allows you to include questionnaires, HotPotatoes, keeping a journal of work, taking the pulse on a topic in a forum or in a query, aarchivos up, edit documents collaboratively ... and ALL in the same environment.
As I will not dwell, I will say that the biggest advantage is that Moodle is recording everything the students do, namely, the teacher knows how many times the student has agreed to a source, what is the result of their participation in a query , which the questionnaires ... and not only know the teacher, but also the student, as this can be seen, many times as desired, the state of their qualifications. In addition to the classroom (and therefore the teacher and peers) is available for students anytime and from any computer.
Now it is true that moodle classrooms are an island closed, private, as are our classrooms. Some allow visitors access and, sometimes, we accept the presence of a partner. But it is the less.

beforehand that moodle blog and are not comparable, as are tools designed for very different uses. Moodle has been designed from an educational perspective, the blogs, no. Another thing is that these are used for educational purposes.
The blog has a public dimension indisputable (moodle not), but the same settings as places limits on what actions.

Are nonetheless compatible tools. In the language area of my department, we use the blog as a common space for all students (and high school), as a showcase to share news but, above all texts. Thus, moodle is defined as a unique environment of each group, while the blog is a shared space for students of different levels and ages. This is our proposal, but surely there are more.

The theme given for a detailed discussion of the pedagogical implications of the two tools. Worth a warning that these notes are just a point.

1 comentario:

  1. Today I was present in the thesis defense of the creators of Virtual Tutor, here in Chilpancingo. They used Joomla, and Moodle. The whole University of Guerrero may adopt it.

    It was good that you looked into this comparison, for this homework.
